

My name is Emily Wilcox and I am an Architecture student at Rice University.

I graduated from the University of Arkansas in 2022 with my Bachelors of Architecture. I am currently working towards my Masters of Science in Architecture, to graduate December 2023.

I am from Seabrook, Texas, a town between Houston and Galveston. Growing up so close to Houston I have been exposed to a wide variety of design inspiration that I am thankful to once again be exposed to at Rice.

I have been fortunate enough to travel to over twenty countries around the world, including Germany, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and multiple countries in Southern Africa. Besides traveling, I enjoy drawing, exploring music, adrenaline thrills, and spending time at the gym. Growing up, I was heavily involved in the arts, and continue to do so today.

I have a specific interest and practice in metal fabrication techniques as well as history and theory, especially pertaining to religious architecture. Moving into practice, I am looking for mentorship and development as well as opportunity for licensure.

With this website, I hope to cultivate an organized and insightful look into my inspiration and experiences in design school and the work I have produced thus far.